Outdoor Paint

What Outdoor Paint Can Last 100 Years?

The US is facing outdoor paint failure. When the Second World War ended, the paint manufacturing industry stopped making linseed oil paint. Instead, it introduced paint with dangerous chemicals. They were cheap to manufacture. Unfortunately, they require repainting every few years. For the industry, it was a perfect product. For the customers? It was the…

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outdoor paint for house

How Long Does an Outdoor Paint Take to Dry to Achieve the Best Results?

Outdoor paint for a house is a vital component to maintaining the longevity and appearance of your home or building. To achieve the best results, though, it is vital that you let the paint dry first. How long will it take for the paint to dry? What are the factors that affect the drying time? …

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outdoor paint

A Guide to Maintaining Your Home’s Exterior with Outdoor Paint

Maintaining your home’s exterior is a vital part of keeping your house looking its best and ensuring its longevity. If you have invested in energy-efficient outdoor paint, you have made a smart choice that will save you money and hassle in the long run. Here is your guide to maintaining your home’s exterior.  Clean Your…

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Outdoor Paint for House

What is the Lifetime Warranty of a Special Outdoor Paint?

Exterior paint works are vital as they add an extra layer of protection from the elements. They keep your home safe from insects, dust, and weather damage. Unfortunately, exterior paints will only last a few years with a maximum of 5 years. It means that after 5 years, you need to spend thousands of dollars…

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