Why Is It Called Lifetime Exterior Paint?

lifetime exterior paint

Exterior house paint can boost the appeal of your house. But it has recurring costs. That is, you have to repaint your house every three to five years. Lifetime exterior paint, on the other hand, offers long-lasting effects. It means that it can withstand harsh weather conditions. It can also resist fading, chalking, and cracking for a certain period. 

No Need to Repaint or Touch Up with Lifetime Exterior Paint 

This type of paint is called “lifetime” paint because it can last for the lifetime of a house or a building. It means that after the paint is applied, it will last for the duration of the building’s life without needing to be repainted or touched up. The term “lifetime” is typically used to describe a painting that is highly durable and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling. It is formulated with high-quality pigments, resins, and other ingredients. 

It is important to note that not all exterior paints are the same. Some paints require repainting because they crack as a result of harsh weather, UV rays, and pollution. But not Deluxe Lifecote. 

Deluxe LifeCote’s Permanent Solution 

Unlike most exterior house paints, Deluxe Lifecote offers a permanent solution. It is a long-lasting coating that can withstand weather conditions, and protect your house’s walls against moisture, mildew, and UV rays. It is also energy efficient. It can effectively reflect UV rays and solar heat that can reduce the amount of energy required to cool a home, leading to potential energy savings. 

Low-VOC Paint 

It has a low level of volatile organic compounds that can be harmful to human health and the environment. With the use of this paint, you can be sure that you made a sustainable choice. This is vital if you are looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint. 


It is a premium paint. Thus, you can expect to pay a higher price compared to regular paint. However, with its durability and low-maintenance properties, you can enjoy long-term cost savings because there’s no need for you to repaint every three to five years. Keep in mind that repainting can cost you $3,000 to $5,000. And that’s the minimum price you could pay. The overall cost will depend on the size of your wall.

lifetime exterior paint

Skipping the Paint Forever 

Installing Deluxe Lifecote is a smart decision. It doesn’t only reduce energy costs but it also prevents you from spending thousands of dollars on paint. The reason for this is that this coat is guaranteed for life. Indeed, you can find other lifetime paints with a lifetime guarantee. However, Deluxe Lifecote is the only coating that offers coverage against cracking. Most paints only guarantee to chip, flake, and peel. But cracking is another question. 

Deluxe Lifecote offers a lifetime warranty against those elements, including cracking. In that case, you can stop renting your paint. You can stop painting your exterior house again and spend more than $3,000 every three to five years. These are just some of the reasons many homeowners are choosing this lifetime exterior paint. Check out our benefits page or call us today for more information.