lifetime house paint

What Happens to Your House if You Use Lifetime House Paint?

Lifetime house paint is an exterior coat designed to provide long-lasting protection for the exterior of your house. This is not the regular coating that you find in a hardware store. You can only purchase it from a niche market. But why would you want to use it over regular paint? What do you think…

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House Paint in Los Angeles

What Kind of House Paint to Apply to Reduce Air Conditioning Use?

Air conditioning uses a lot of electricity, even if it says it’s an environmentally friendly unit. The exact energy usage will depend on a lot of factors though. But a central AC can use between 3,000 and 3,500 watts an hour. If you want to reduce the use of AC at home, you should consider…

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Energy-Efficient Paint

Can an Energy Efficient Paint Replace Air Conditioning?

An energy-efficient paint won’t just improve your home’s curb appeal to boost the selling price but it will also keep your house cool. If it can significantly cool your house, can you stop using your air conditioning? Can this type of paint replace the use of a cooling home system?  Is It Possible to Replace…

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Energy-Efficient Paint

Can an Energy-Efficient Paint Resist Heat?

Most homeowners in California need to paint their houses every three to five years, depending on the coating they utilize. They may choose not to paint. However, without exterior coating, their houses will be prone to termite damage and water damage. Now, if you don’t want to deal with the cost of painting after you…

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House Paint

Do I Need Prime Before Painting?

House paint requires a primer. But there are various high-quality paints on the market that do not need them. However, most house paints need a primer. You may think that it is a waste of money. But not using it can cost you more in the long run. The reason for this is that you…

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